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The name of the dog

To call a dog by its name, we wish to get focus on us with intention of telling it something (whether by words or body language), correcting it, showing our liking.

One thing is its the official name, the other what will the dog consider its name. Sometimes it is the same, but the point is it will respond to the most repeated word. This is why nicknames and pet names are most commonly the name of the dog. In any case, it should not be repeated frequently, since it will lose its purpose. You can compare this to yourself. You will repeat the name of the person you wish to talk to until you get its attention; while, during the conversation, there is usually no need to do so.

Also, you should not frequently repeat commands in short periods of time because they will lose their meaning. Like, when you tell a child 1000 times something, and it does not react but keeps doing the same thing, it means it does not take you seriously.



It is important that every word has single meaning. Basic commands you should teach a dog are:

1. "Stop"
2. "Sit"
3. "Come"
4. "Leave it"

"Leave it" and "Drop it" should be used under different circumstances. "Leave it" should be used when it is touching or wants to bite something it is never allowed to do (for instance, some food in the street), and "Drop it" only when certain thing should not be in its mouth (for instance, when the dog brings you a ball you will not say "Leave it" but "Drop it").