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Characteristics that domestic dogs inherited from wolves:

1. Rolling – Many of the domestic dogs like rolling in dung and carcases. That is the way to hide their smell from wildlife. Since they are not wild anymore they apparently inherited this hunting habit from wolves.

2. Burying food – If dogs have more food than they need, they often bury it, as do wolves. Unless the human interferes, they will come back for it.


3. Chasing – Chasing cars, runners, cyclists, balls, cats... They are prone to chasing, especially when they feel the fear. This is inherited wolf instinct to chase the prey that is trying to escape.


4. "Burying" – Scratching the ground, usually after defecation (bodily function of discharging faeces), also urination. This is actually a visual sign, often very enthusiastic and theatrical, with a purpose to announce to the other dogs that the area is marked.


5. Walking along snow tracks and paths – If they are not playing but just walking, they would tend to use already beaten paths. Similarly, it can happen on the meadow with beaten tracks amongst the grass. Instead everyone making their own path, wolves use already existing paths to save energy during patrolling and migrating.

6. Eating and drinking outside – They rarely refuse food and water outside of the home; even when they are full because their survival instinct kicks in. They would gladly eat an old bone and sip from muddy puddles. Wolves spend most of their lives on empty stomach and they are almost always on the search for food.


7. Migrating – The urge for a walk represents simulation of a search for food. You and your dog are a pack, and a walk is the hunt. Wolves migrate in search for food.

8. Scent marks – Usually on the trees, posts, rocks, hydrants... males urinate a bit. They inherited this need to mark the territory.


9. Going to bed and sleeping – Before they lay down, very often they would spin around several times and place the floorcloth by pulling and scratching, the same way wolves adjust leaves and earth in the den.


10. Squeaky toys – These toys produce high pitched sounds that attract and lure dogs to catch them since it reminds them of sounds that prey makes after being caught or while trying to escape.

11. Being a member of a pack – They are social beings that need a pack, same as wolves strive to.

12. Being territorial – The territory is considered to be all the areas where they live, feed, sleep. They defend it vigorously from intruders, same as wolves.