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Whether you found a dog in the street, someone left it in a box or you went to a rescue centre to choose it, whether it is a purebred or a mongrel – you should adopt, not buy a dog. With adoption you save a dog or yet provide it with a better quality of life and you do not support dog breeding business. Rescued dogs show gratitude, and if you immediately start with proper upbringing as well as serving to dog's needs – it will become a great friend. On the contrary, behavioural problems may occur as with any other dog.


Adoption from rescue centres
Rescue centres hold mongrel dogs, but very often purebred too. A good deed is done by adopting either one, but only if you satisfy preconditions for keeping a dog. While you choose, be aware of your capabilities. That it why it is important to get informed about the dog you like. A dog can be to your liking based on its appearance, but you should choose by its temper that will suit you.

Keep in mind that some dogs looks are less popular and will less likely get adopted no matter what their temper is. Small white dogs are always popular, brown a bit less, while black dogs are last on the stand. Cubs are the most attractive, while mature, especially old dogs, no matter how well tempered – rarely get adopted.