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Dogs are not aware of time. They live in present, in a moment. They do not think about past or future. Anyhow, they can storage food by burying it... Maybe there is something more to it, but probably rather instinctive than thought through to make their lives easier. Same as when they hear thunder, instinct thrives them to find a shelter from a storm, which makes their future possible.

If a certain task, which we need experience for, is done by an animal, especially a young one without experience, not knowing what the outcome or goal of the task is, this task is regarded as an instinctive one.


Memory of a dog is of an associative type. They use associative memorization to link certain places, humans, dogs... with an emotion it triggered. It can be positive or negative. If a dog, for example, got into a fight with a white dog and that event caused negative emotion, in future the dog can have bad experiences with white dogs since any white dog will trigger that negative emotion.

On the other hand, dogs have short-term memory that can last a second, but also a few minutes. Yet, it usually lasts less than 30 seconds. This is why some methods of disciplining like rewarding or correcting should be done immediately, since that is the period of time in which dogs can comprehend what your reaction is referring to, or the reason it followed.

Dogs do not like change but they easily adapt to it, far more easier than we do... Because of this living-in-a-moment state, dogs do not grieve when they lose a leg, sight, hearing... They live life to the fullest. Dogs do not pity other dogs for disadvantages since they value behaviour and stability of a dog - mental, not physical.

It is of a great importance to know dogs. Stay away from humanizing a dog. They will adapt to our wishes and conditions we offer. But, conditions we think are good for them, very often is unnatural for them and sooner or later they will demonstrate more/less problematic behaviour.

What humans take as small changes, dogs can perceive as huge problem that can upset it, disturb it, make it apathetic, lethargic, depressed, aggressive, phobic, obsessive... With proper upbringing and accepting that their needs are different from ours, a dog will reach content and stable behaviour.