Kingdom: Animals (Animalia)
Phylum (Phulum): Chordates (Chordata)
Subphylum (Subphulum): Vertebrates (Vertebrata)
Class (Classa): Mammals (Mammalia)
Order (Ordo): Carnivores (Carnivora)
Family (Familia): Dogs (Canidae)
Genus (Genus): Chrysocyon
Species (Species): Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
It is not a wolf nor fox, although by its appearance and the name it can come across one's mind, so it is also referred to as "stool-legged fox". Although their leg length does not match, they are closely related to Bush Dog, although the maned wolf is categorized as NT (near threatened) or close to being endangered.
It is around 90 cm tall, weighs 20–25 kg, and compared to the height only 100 cm long from head to the root of the tail, with tail around one meter and a half. It easy to conclude that its legs are longer than its body. Even though they have long legs they are not the fastest of canids.
Maned Dogs usually live solitary lives. As a lone hunter – without a pack – it has to hunt for easier prey. Female can carry up to three cubs.
As Bush Dogs do, they mostly feed on rodents but also birds, reptiles, frogs, insects, fruits, sugarcanes. They also hunt for uncommon animal - Armadillo.
They live in South America. They hunt in tall grasses of Brazilian and Argentinian damp, muddy terrains and forests.