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292aEtiquette is set of rules for good manners. In order that dog's life is more fulfilled with respect and deprived from unpleasant situations and tension, some rules that will make the walk with the dog more pleasant:

1. Do not let your dog approach dogs that are tied down or dogs on a leash before asking the owner and get its approval. You should respect their right not to wish encounter with you, since there are possible reasons for it:
a) the owner is afraid
b) the dog is afraid
c) the dog is dominant
d) the dog is aggressive
e) the dog is hurt
f) the dog is sick

2. Do not take a female dog in heat to the park but take walks in the streets

3. Do not let your dog dominate other dogs

4. Do not feed other dogs without asking

5. If a male and female dog are playing, do not come close with your dog. If they have owners, ask them first if it is all right to let your dog join them.